What is it?

ARVC stands for Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy. It is a genetic heart condition that effects the right ventricle, replacing that muscle with fibrosis and fat. This is due to the lack of properly developed proteins which help keep heart muscle cells intact. The fat and fibrosis attempt to repair the damage. This change affects the heart’s ability to properly pump blood throughout the body. 


It effects approximately one in 5,000 people and accounts for 1/5th of sudden deaths in adults under 35. Due to the progressive nature of the condition, it is difficult to diagnose. The changes are often minor, occurring gradually over time.
Heart palpitations, light headedness, fainting, breathlessness, and abnormal heart rhythms can be symptoms. Because these can also be symptoms to other conditions, it makes diagnosing ARVC more difficult. Tests such as an ECH, an echocardiogram as well as an MRI and a chest x-ray may be used to diagnose the condition.